Natural Chemistry HassleFree Kit | 18002NCM
- 33.9oz Pool Magic + Phosfree
- 33.9oz Metalfree
- Cold water SMARTZyme technology works all winter long
- Reduces existing and controls off season waterline ring
- Cleans and protects during the off season
- Prevents metal staining and non-living organic staining
- Saves time & money
Directions for use:
Pool Magic™+Phosfree®
Sanitizer level should be below 5ppm before adding this product.
New pools, openings, & initial phosphate removal:
- Follow dealer instructions to fill (if new pool) and balance water chemistry.
- Shake well and use entire bottle for pools up to 25,000 gallons by adding to the skimmer with the circulation system running.
Note:​ Do not backwash/clean the filter for 48 hours after adding this product.
At closing:​ 1. Add product to a properly balanced pool (with sanitizer level below 5ppm) at a rate of 1 bottle per 25,000 gallons. 2. For same day closing, product can be added to the pool water evenly around the edges.
Note:​ This product removes 300ppb of phosphates from 20,000 gallons.
For opening:​ Test phosphate levels weekly and treat as necessary in order to maintain phosphate levels 100ppb or lower.
For closing:​ Phosphate levels should be 100ppb or lower for optimal results.
This product is designed for use in properly balanced pool water.
Initial Dose:​ Add 1 bottle (33.9oz) per 20,000 gallons to the pool water evenly around the edge.
Weekly Maintenance Dose:​ Each week, add 1 capful (4 oz) per 10,000 gallons to the pool water evenly around the edge.
Note: Take caution to not spill or splash Metalfree​ on deck or coping. Do not use with biguanides.
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